How Fire Pits Are Built

Below is information on how we built 4 different shapes custom gas fire pits

  • How It's Built Rectangle Custom Stone Gas Fire Pit

    Here you can view how it's built rectangle custom stone gas fire pit

  • How It's Built Rectagon Custom Stone Gas Fire Pit

    This firepit is a unique handmade piecespecially designed to your liking

  • How It's Built Square Custom Stone Gas Fire Pit

    Detailed information about how it's built square custom stone gas fire pit

  • How It's Built Octagon Custom Stone Gas Fire Pit

    This is way how it's build octagon custom stone gas fire pit


Watch Our Building Process

Below are 2 video examples of how we build your custom stone fire pit.

Process Photo Gallery

  • Sturdy frames prepped for stone installation.

  • Crafting square, rectangle, and octagon fire pits on the assembly line.

How We Package Your Custom Fire Pit

Discover the meticulous attention to detail that goes into packaging and preparing your custom stone gas fire pit for delivery.